option vote
For the Ultimate Philosopher award: Poker player solves all of rationality 0
For the Krakatoa award: Justin Murphy 0
For the Monximus-Rand award: Revealed preferences show that poor people don't deserve nice things 0
For the Krakatoa award: IEP article on Philosopher of anthropology is written by a racialist 0
Ravia award for whatever the fuck this is 0
Barstool dude who thought Nozick was a communist for Monximus Rand (though tbf there are some pretty radleft readings of Nozick) 0
Barack Derrida for The Ultimate Philosopher Memorial Grammy 0
dunno what award but at this rate we really need a new one for American Christians attempting to do ethical philosophy. 0
Nominating Pragerman for Monximus-Rand American Liberty Prize because freedom to kill is very American (assuming you are a cop). 0
For the Krakatoa award: Brian Leiter 0
Order of RP - also, ugh, that is so bad. https://www.reddit.com/r/badphilosophy/comments/e6cu1c/incel_philosophy_paradoxically_traditionalist_and/ 0
This guy who thinks Plato is a Satanist for Timecube or Ravia: https://www.reddit.com/r/theology/comments/c8r5o0/platos_the_forms_and_spiritual_warfare 0
Alt Buddhism for Order of the Red Pill: https://www.reddit.com/r/AltBuddhism/comments/arhmvf/what_is_altbuddhism 0
Zenithism for UltimatePhilosopher: https://www.reddit.com/r/badphilosophy/comments/a9s016/when_youre_too_cool_to_be_an_ordinary 0
Krakatoa Award for everybody who's still a TERF in academia, please. Edit: Alternatively Peter Boghossian for everything he has written after Sokal Squared. 0

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