[High Hopes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MqUuIgTpkE) from *The Division Bell*, ^1994
[Louder Than Words](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1oct2_IrA8) from *The Endless River*, ^2014
Share you comparisons, opinions, and fun facts, or any other thoughts related to the songs above. Which one do you like best? Compare and contrast! Feel free to vote in the public poll below, *powered by redditpoll.com*
^Day ^1 ^Results: [^Pigs ^(Three Different Ones) ^beats ^Hey ^You](https://www.reddit.com/r/pinkfloyd/comments/3n9cd8/daily_song_showdown_day_2_pigs_three_different/)
Your vote: Louder Than Words