With the advent of the Burst Era for us (Jul 30), events will also introduce a new fight difficulty: "Challenge Mode," which will reward tokens that can eventually be exchanged for Burst weapons. To acquire these though, you must Perfect the fight using ONLY THE EVENT CHARACTERS. Due to this restriction, these fights are notably [difficult](https://www.reddit.com/r/DissidiaFFOO/comments/drpt4r/how_hard_is_it_to_perfect_a_challenge_quest/).
For the first fight arriving with Squall's LD and BT, unsurprisingly, Squall is *highly* important for accomplishing this feat, and so, pretty much necessitates investing in to his kit. While his fancy new attack animations are indeed hype, I personally am not really enthralled by his kit (he's sitting at 0/3+ for me). Moreover, while we have recently learned in JP that he gets buffed some time after, Squall is noted as being one of the weaker BT characters. And thus is really the crux of my question to the community:
If you have not already invested in an event's featured character, are you going to generally be willing to invest ingots and other resources into building characters you are maybe not particularly interested in just for the sake of clearing the Challenge Mode fights, or are you going to simply pass on the content?
This isn't intended to be a complaint thread of any sort, it's more for the fact that, I personally prefer to invest my most limited resources into characters I most WANT to play, and so this is really the first time I'm considering not pursuing a piece of content in the game, which, kinda sucks. I'm just not sure about the value of the trade-off... So I'm just curious what others out there think and what approach they are intending to take.
Your vote: Yes, all of them