Let's for a moment consider what is happening around us -
We have seen that
- Muslim population, who are the least educated and thus don't contribute much to the gross national income, is rising rapidly and
- the population share of the Hindus has decreased (in percentage).
So, with that in mind, I was thinking what will happen if and when India becomes a Muslim-majority state? Dare I ask how to avert such a dreadful outcome?
BTW, it will happen, *most surely*, if we don't enforce some sort of population control mechanism because asking Hindu couples to produce 4 or more children and that also in the absence of *any* big financial incentive is not going to work.
OTOH, our *well-off* and *fashionably* sickular brethren are relentlessly pushing our Government to dole out *more* of the impracticable and cumbersome subsidies (ie. put more pressure on the Exchequer as well as the tax-paying working class *like ourselves*) for the *sole* benefit of that section of our population and help *them* to procreate more **and more**.
1. Will India remain secular?
1. Will intolerance against non-Muslims rise?
1. Will Communal clashes rise?
Comment on these and tell me which of the following things will come *first*. We know what happens after that, that is not the question here.
What will come within *first* few years.
Your vote: India will become an "Islamic republic" where rights of minorities will be UNOFFICIALLY suppressed and whole world will remain silent