Moderator Wolf_Of_Coinstreet routinely bans anyone that disagrees with the idea that Operation Jade Helm is a military training exercise. His conduct is unpredictable, his reactions seem unstable and now he is insisting that anyone that frequents any other subreddits that he doesnt agree with will be banned as well.
There is also documented proof that he attempted to claim he was a Marine Special Operations and Marine Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team, when in reality he was nothing more than a security force guard and not part of special operations.
/r/Op_Jade_Helm_15 is supposed to be about documenting the operations of Jade Helm and the fear-mongering hysteria that surrounds it. Wolf_Of_Coinstreet has decided that this should be all about him. What he wants to show and how he wants to show it. As a result, this subreddit is flooded with disinformation, falsehoods and posts that have absolutely nothing to do with the training exercise.
Let's make this subreddit what it was intended to be and not just a personal pin board for whatever Wolf Of Coinstreet likes. Let's make this a clearinghouse of actual, factual information and not just conjecture.
Your vote: No - he should stay.