option vote
Siesta (4.5-5h and 1.5h sleep in the day) 1197
Everyman 1 (6h and 20m nap, a biphasic variant) 708
Segmented (2 core sleeps of 3-3.5h each) 700
Everyman 2 (4.5h core and 2 20m naps) 717
Everyman 3 (3h core and 3 20m naps) 711
Everyman 4 (1.5h core and 4 20m naps) 229
Dual Core 1 (2 core sleeps totaling 5h and a 20m nap) 234
Dual Core 2 (2 core sleeps totaling 4h and 2 20m naps) 232
Dual Core 3 (3 core sleeps totaling 3h and 3 20m naps) 214
Triphasic (3 core sleeps of 1.5h each) 234
Bimaxion (2 core sleeps of 1.5h each and 2 30m naps, pathway to Dymaxion) 241
Trimaxion (1 core sleep of 1.5h and 3 30m naps, pathway to Dymaxion) 222
Dymaxion (4 30m naps) 231
Uberman (6 20m naps) 228
SPAMAYL (sleep 20m whenever you're tired, flexible naps) 249
Tri Core 1 (3 core sleeps of 1.5h each, and a 20m nap) 229
Tri Core 2 (3 core sleeps of 1.5h each and 2 20m naps) 233
I succeed with some kind of biphasic sleep without knowing about polyphasic sleep 253
SEVAMAYL (Everyman sleep with flexible naps throughout the day) 238
I succeed with Uberman with more than 6 naps each day 217
My sleep schedule is all over the place for years, but I never feel tired. But I usually need more than one sleep each day. 253
I practice one of the above polyphasic schedules but I don't reduce my total sleep compared to when I sleep monophasically 218
I succeed with one the mentioned schedules, but I often add more sleep in the core(s) or have extra nap(s) to make adaptation easier 246
Other 247

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