option vote
15 minutes or less 1867
20 minutes 961
Slightly more than or less than 20 minutes (21, 22, 17, 18, etc) 945
30 minutes 952
40 minutes (this length is suggested by polyphasicsociety.com for some Uberman variants) 922
60 minutes 271
90 minutes 320
Any lengths between 45 and 90 minutes 278
Any lengths between 45 and 60 minutes 288
Any lengths between 45 and 90 minutes 281
My sleep schedule is random. Sometimes I nap for 20 minutes, sometimes 40 minutes. Dawn or dusk does not matter to me. 258
My sleep schedule has different nap lengths (30 minutes around noon, and 20 minutes at dawn) 271
I hate naps. I don't understand how all these naps can work! 314
I would prefer a schedule with core sleeps only. I always oversleep in short naps 333
I don't have any difficulties napping for whatever duration (20 minutes in Biphasic, and later 90 minutes in Triphasic) 257

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