option vote
The Dawn Age -- the First Men invade Westeros and war with the Children of the Forest 2747
The Age of Heroes -- the Long Night; the White Walkers invade; the Wall is constructed 58
The Andal Invasion -- the Andals invade Westeros and war with the First Men; magic goes into hiding 69
The Age of Valyria -- the dragon age of the Valyrian Freehold and the wars with the Ghiscari Empire 76
The Rhoynar Migration -- the migration of the peoples from the river Rhoyne, after wars with the Freehold 58
The Doom of Valyria -- the destruction of the Freehold and its peoples, and the ensuing Century of Blood 49
Aegon's Conquest -- Aegon Targaryen invades Westeros with dragons, and establishes the Seven Kingdoms 39
The First Dornish War -- the Targaryens' first attempt to conquer Dorne 56
The Faith Militant Uprising -- the Faith rebels against the crown, featuring the reign of Maegor the Cruel 61
The Reign of the Old King -- the longest, most peaceful, and most prosperous reign of the Targaryen Dynasty 63
The Rogue Prince -- based on GRRM's novella, covering the reign of Viserys I, as a prelude to the Dance of Dragons 50
The Princess and the Queen --- based on GRRM's novella, covering the Dance of Dragons itself 47
The Dragonbane's Regency -- the reign of King Aegon III and his Regency Council 44
Daeron's Conquest of Dorne -- the Young Dragon's reign as king, featuring his attempt to conquer Dorne 60
Baelor and the Maidenvault -- the reign of the pious King Baelor the Blessed 55
Blackfyre -- the life of Daemon Blackfyre, culminating in the First Blackfyre Rebellion 57
The Reign of Egg -- takes place years after the Dunk & Egg novellas, and concludes with the Tragedy at Summerhall 55
The Free Cities -- a story set in one or more of the Free Cities of Essos, set in any time period 73
A Dothraki Tale -- a story about a Dothraki Khalasar, set in any time period 64
Slaver's Bay -- a story set in and around Slaver's Bay, set in any time period 56
The Summer Isles -- a story set on the Summer Isles, set in any time period 52
Ibben -- a story set on the island nation in the Shivering Sea, set in any time period 58
Qarth -- a story set in and around Qarth. set in any time period 45
Distant lands -- a story set in a more distanct location, such as Sothoryos or Far Eastern Essos 43
other -- what did I forget to include? 50

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