Hey reddit, I'm doing some research into Physx for Borderlands 2 and it's CPU/GPU utlisation. I am trying to hire someone to work on the physx aspect of this game. Specifically, I want someone to decode and edit the .dll and the .bin files in the game directory and change any calls or strings and maybe some float lines to make fluid and particle effects work better on multi threaded hardware .
I believe some of these .dll and .bin files hold the code that is overriding any important INI tweaks made I also want to change the lifetime of particles AND SPH fluid effects since any ini tweaks work besides maxparticleresize. Eventually If I come up with a tweak that fixes Physx for me, I will release it to everyone else so our FPS can stop being held down by PhysX.
If you want to skip to the instructions, head down to the numbered (1., 2. 3.) Lines, otherwise, read on about the why and some background info.
Back in 2013, I had a GTX 680 classified and a I7 920 @ 4.4GHz. I was able to run Borderlands 2 with no problem 60 + fps on the highest settings while on 1920 X 1080. Fast forward to now, I have a GTX 1080 Classified oc'd with a I7 5930k oc'd to 4.6ghz and I am unable to maintain that same 60fps @1920 x 1080 with better hardware while fluid and particle effects are being used. It's most evident in, but jot limited to Bloodshot Stronghold when I am using my DP Unkempt Harold(DPUH) and fighting enemies with fluid effects around while the DPUH is kicking up solid particles. My FPS is 120 when there is no liquid or particles. I have used a lot of ini tweaks but none of the important ones work.
I want to get an idea of what the physx indicator is telling people when they are in game standing still and then while heavy particle and fluid effects are being used. Just from some google searches, Some people have been reporting that the Physx visual indicator is reporting GPU and some saying CPU. Mine, for instance does not show Physx - GPU even though I have mine set to use my GTX 1080 Classified.
First, Make sure these 3 things are enabled
1. Set GPU to dedicated Physx:
Nvidia users right click on your desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel (NCP). Open the 3D Settings menu tree on the top left of the NCP. Select Set PhysX configuration. Select physx processor, and select the specific GPU you would like to use. Click save and exit.
2. Turn on Physx Visual indicator:
Open the NVIDIA Control Panel
At the top of the Control Panel you'll see a drop-down menu labeled "3D Settings" which will have the option for the PhysX indicators. Click this to show the indicator. When you are in game, you will know it works by seeing a message at the top left of your screen that says either Physx - GPU or physx CPU.
3. Enable PhysX in Borderlands 2. Set it to medium or high.
Now load up Borderlands 2. Make sure you see the physx visual indicator in the top left of your screen and head to Caustic Caverns. Rigut by the fast travel station start fighting varkids and when you are having a lot of physx effects, look at the visual indicator and enter in this poll what it says.
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