option vote
Piracetam helps with the MDMA comedown 863
Piracetam does not help with the MDMA comedown 868
Piracetam negates any MDMA comedown 869
Piracetam potentiates the MDMA effects 187
Piracetam dulls the MDMA effects (less empathy, too analytical) 191
Piracetam helps with the MDMA side-effects (gurning, jittery...) 198
Piracetam does not help with the MDMA side-effects 209
Piracetam brought me the MDMA magic back 214
Piracetam did not bring me the MDMA magic back 204
Piracetam does nothing at all when using with MDMA 184
Piracetam does nothing but other Noopepts do 197

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